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4Xploring Let's Explore the Back Country


2023 Northwoods Getaway

Sunday Sept 17 – Friday Sept 22

The annual 4Xploring™ NorthWoods Getaway is a 5 day, Monday through Friday, relaxed adventure style event.  We will meet in International Fall, MN on Sunday the 17th for a driver’s meeting, where we will introduce everyone, check gear and get acquainted. 

The diversified trails offered on this getaway adventure consist of scenic back country roads and 2-tracks, magnificent views of Gitchigumi (aka Lake Superior) and unforgettable fall colors and names of places you may or may not be able to pronounce. There will be an extra credit water activity on this adventure to end the week, we had so much fun on this outing the last time it’s back by popular request – bring your water shoes and sun screen.

Let us tell you a little bit about what you are getting yourself and your Jeep into. On this adventure we will travel on state highways that crisscross and intersect the backcountry roads and trails on which we will be traveling to getaway and relax. This can mean road speeds up to 65 MPH, but for the most part we will be casually traveling at a much slower pace in da woods. We will be camping in the backcountry of northern Minnesota between the Boundary Waters and the north shore of Lake Superior. You can expect average high temperatures between 50 & 70+ °F and average lows between 30 & 50 °F: be prepared for all weather conditions – including rain

Spending time in the north woods is always relaxing, but if you are looking for a little more adventure, or even the tale of a lifetime, keep a watchful eye out and you could spy a Sasquatch or possibly the more elusive Snipe… The 4Xploring™ team has put together a unique experience for you along the shores of Lake Superior. Join us while we make memories of a lifetime, we look forward to showing you some of the amazing places and scenery da North Woods has to offer.

Please submit your request as soon as possible as Fall color viewing in the upper Midwest is very popular and lodging will be an issue to secure.

Jeeps lining up in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
4Xploring Northwoods21 Fall Colors
4Xploring Northwoods21 Campfire
Delicious camp breakfast being served
4Xploring Northwoods21 Beach Fun
4Xploring Northwoods21 Teaching Food Prep
4Xploring Northwoods21 Mushrooms
4Xploring Northwoods21 Beach Camping
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