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4Xploring Let's Explore the Back Country

2022 Northwoods Getaway Recap

The Upper Peninsula of Michigan
September 18-23, 2022 

The second annual Northwoods Getaway was another amazing blast of both color and great times with great people!  We started at the Keweenaw Overland Adventure Retreat event in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, in Copper Harbor.  We spent the next 5 days following the shores of Lake Superior, camping on the beach and ultimately ending up on Drummond Island in Lake Huron.

Here are some photos from this fun, beautiful and incredibly scenic event!

Relaxing on the beach
Relaxing on the beach
Explosions of color
Explosions of color
Another fantastic meal is served up at camp
Another fantastic meal is served up at camp
Dessert, with ice cream!
Dessert, with ice cream!
An amazing sunset on the beach
An amazing sunset on the beach
Color, color everywhere
Color, color everywhere
Amazingly blue water, and blue skies
Amazingly blue water, and blue skies
Deep greens surround a beautiful waterfall
Deep greens surround a beautiful waterfall
Good times with good friends
Good times with good friends
Marshmallows on the campfire. Mmmmm!
Marshmallows on the campfire. Mmmmm!
Another epic camp meal provided by our 4Xploring chefs!
Another epic camp meal provided by our 4Xploring chefs!
Whitefish Point Light Station - home of the Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum
Whitefish Point Light Station - home of the Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum
Camp Chef Bob Levenhagen cooking up another masterpiece for everyone
Camp Chef Bob Levenhagen cooking up another masterpiece for everyone
Another evening of campfire magic
Another evening of campfire magic
The 4Xploring crew is all set up
The 4Xploring crew is all set up
Campfire on the beach!
Campfire on the beach!
Color at the beach
Color at the beach
Everyone on the dock
Everyone on the dock
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