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4Xploring Let's Explore the Back Country


2023 Fall Expedition

Monday Oct 16 – Friday Oct 20

The 4Xploring™ Fall Expedition is a 5 day, Monday through Friday adventure.  We will meet in Kanab, UT on Sunday, October 15th at 5:00 PM for a driver’s meeting, where we will introduce everyone, get acquainted and do tech inspections. Join our host and resident Trail Boss Bob Levenhagen on a 5 night and 5 day guided Overland Adventure thru the best the North Rim has to offer. Our guide is also your personal camp chef and will be cooking cowboy delights for you while you are in primitive camp settings – just like the days of old wagon trains, we circle the jeeps around the campfire while camp cookie prepares gourmet meals for you. The terrain we will cross is a combination of gravel road, two track, washes and rocks – 33″ tire should be considered the minimum.

The North Rim offers a serene, captivating and remote Grand Canyon experience.  The North Rim forms the edge of the Kaibab Plateau, with elevations reaching 9000 feet the viewpoints are spectacular and offer a truly unique experience to see what John Wesley Powell described as, “ledges and cliffs where the soaring eagle is lost to view before it reaches a summit.”  To truly experience one of the seven natural wonders of the world, you need to see it from remote reaches of the North Rim.

On this trip we will head east from Kanab, UT to explore the eastern desert high plains of the north rim.  We will travel over roads less traveled, take a hike thru an amazing slot canyon and see wild and raw landscapes – all before getting to the Canyon.

Please consider getting the America The Beautiful Pass it’s your ticket to more than 2,000 federal recreation sites.

NOTE: This trip requires extra fuel capacity on board your vehicle,  10 GALLONS MINIMUM captivating

Slot Canyon
White Pocket
Grand Canyon
Delicous camp breakfast
Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon
Cinnamon rolls for camp breakfast.
A fantastic night around the campfire.
Timp Point
Grand Canyon
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